Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Inter PTJ is comingg..

Sukan staff inter PTJ (pusat tanggung jawab) is coming this April..
Insyallah, every result will be posted inside daily...
The confirm games that will be played are..

1. Bola Sepak senior
2. Futsal Veteran
3. Sepak Takraw
4. Bola Jaring
5. Olahraga
6. Bola Tampar Lelaki
7. Bola Tampar Wanita
8. Badminton Campuran
9. Catur Campuran
10. Dart Campuran
11. Tarik Tali
12. Tenpin Boling Lelaki
13. Tenpin Boling Wanita

but this year is a bit disappointing due to a few game has been pulled out on the reason it's won't be played in Inter Varsity later..most of it is what we best in..but don't worry we got lot more to win..Go!! Go!! Engineering..

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